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Building Your Intuition Workshop Retreat

iFit Club 2 Day Intuition Building Workshop


We have all experienced deja vu.   We have all felt something so strongly that we knew it had to be truth.  This is your intuition.  You were born with it.  And whether you use it in your every day life, or if it is dormant within you, it is a very integral part of your being.  In this workshop we learn how to tap into your intuition and bring it to the forefront with specific proven exercises.  Intuition is just like any muscle in that it gets stronger by working it out.  


When: TBD


Where: Northern Cascades Institute


Cost $650 for the weekend (includes 4 classes, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, room and board)




Friday Nov 2

5p Arrival

6p Group Meeting

630p Dinner

730p – 930p Session 1


Saturday Nov 3

7-9a Breakfast

930a – 1130a Session 2

1130- 1p Free Time/ Workout

1p – 2p Lunch

230p – 430p Session 3

430p  - 6p Free time/ Yoga

7p Dinner

830p -9:30p Session 4


Sunday Nov 4

7-9a Breakfast

9a-11a Free Time / Workout

11:15a – 1p Session 5

1p – 2p Lunch

2:15 – 3:00 Closing Remarks

3p Depart

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